Monday, January 18, 2010

A new year

Well my last year was not ideal, in fact I'll rate it as one of the worst I've had. Aside from my 2 failed attempts at becoming a student, (I shall content myself with 1 degree). My grandma died in February, and then my Dad died unexpectedly in November. September, October, and November seemed like just a fog of sadness. December was just foggy for me mentally. While I'm normally pretty sharp, I found things totally slipping off my mental radar, so if I let yah down, I apologize. I managed to hold up for the Holidays and focused on doing less to make my life a bit less complicated. Maybe I was just maximizing my minimized mental resources. It helped in any case. Now I'm treading water comfortably, and the water is less deep versus flailing around the deep end of the pool!
My good intentions for the next year are:
To focus more on my family & friends.
To train my dogs in a more efficent manner.
To not overextend myself, even though I'm really good at overextending!
To loose 10 lbs, at least.
To give up grudges, anxiety, guilt and all the shit I can't do anything about anyway.

Hum, that's plenty of things to work on right.

1 comment:

  1. You might add - stop beating yourself up! Life does that anyway.
